Saturday, December 17, 2016

well it's almost that time...

 You know that time of year that, well, the year is almost over. 

Christmas is only a week away and we celebrate and revel in the greatest holiday of the year.  Then the year winds down and suddenly it's Jan First!!  A new year!! 

I would like to consider myself a fairly optimistic person.  So I generally look ahead to the new year and all the possibilities that lie before me.  What will 2017 bring?

A lot of people like to make New Year's resolutions and then fail to fulfill the promises to themselves.  I say make goals all year long and meet them.  Make them small enough to meet and then gradually make bigger ones. 

Instead of saying "I'm going to lose 50 lbs this year!", say "I'm going to go to the gym this morning."  Just go there.  No exercise routine, no fancy unrealistic diet...just going to the gym.  Then once you are there, do one push-up.  That's it - just one push-up.  "What?!", you ask.  All that work going to the gym for just one push-up?  Yep.  Of course if you're already there...

Well anyway, that's my tip for the day. :)

Until next time...
