Wednesday, January 16, 2013

rain, rain go away...

 ...come again another day...

my children want to play!!

The field in front of our house.

 The neighbors' field.

 The stop sign at the end of our road.

How far it went up the road from the stop sign.


 It also went on across the road that leads to our road.  (Ours is off to the right where the road sign is).

Just a little sample of what we are looking at today.  :)  We obviously can't go anywhere, but that's ok.  We are healthy, warm, dry, and have plenty of food and water.

Until next time...


1 comment:

Kat said...

After 7 days, the sun came out here today. It was such a blessing to have the light, even though I won't be outdoors playing for a few months yet. ☺

