She's happy I've decided to use cloth diapers.

In fact, she'll show off her cloth diaper.

He likes cloth diapers, too. But he's not showing you his. :)
You should cloth diaper, too!
(Well, of course, this only applies if you have a baby in diapers).
Until next time...
I love this new style of nappies they have! I saw then on some other blogs & thought that if we have more children I want to use them too.
I really like your new blog look!
Hope you're having a lovely day
Renata :)
those are adorable....but trust me, my KIDS wouldn't leave them on! They won't even leave the disposable ones on. hahahahaha
great nappies:) I desired that kind when I cloth diapered...made a few of my own but wow am I glad we're out of diapers! One thing I remember was when our washer died with a load of dirty diapers in it!
I love this velcro style of diapers. I used cloth diapers on my children, and when we were in Germany I had to hand wash them(I soaked them, rinsed them, and then boiled them). It was not easy especially when I had two in diapers but I could not see wasting so much money.
I used diaper pins, and the rubber pants on the kids. Whenever I go to thrift stores, I buy the rubber pants if they are in good condition as I do with cloth diapers for grandbabies(no I do not have any yet:)
Have a great day!
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