Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Chase

I entered a giveaway a couple of weeks ago and then forgot about it.  Ha!  I won!  Wow.  I almost missed the email saying I had won.  I'm so glad my husband decided to figure out how to get into my old email account that I had thought was lost to me forever.  He forwarded the email to me and I contacted the author.  I soon received this book in the mail.  Autographed and everything!  To say the least, I was so excited!!

This book has been on my "to-get" list for quite a while.  It has many of my favorite elements in it; it's suspense, it has a touch of romance, it's set in Texas :).  Let me tell you a little about it.

Kariss Walker is a TV reporter turned women's fiction author turned suspense author.  As a TV reporter in Houston years ago, she had reported on a case that continues to haunt her; a little girl discovered dead.  The girl was never identified and the case was now an FBI cold case.  Kariss decides to write a book about it and enlists the help of local FBI agent Tigo Harris to learn more on FBI procedure.  In tagging along with Tigo and his partner she becomes involved in their current case; illegal gun-running into Mexico.  The clues point to what just may be a connection between the two cases.  The gang they are trying to catch is mercilessly brutal and the danger mounts for both of them. 

What more can you want in a suspense book?  I must say I was pleasantly surprised that the element of romance was so low in this book.  Kariss and Tigo are still just friends at the end of the book, but a second book is coming out that features these two characters again.  So it makes me wonder - will their relationship step up a notch?  DiAnn Mills' second book in this series; Crime Scene: Houston, is titled The Survivor and it has just been put on my "to-get" list.

If you want to read this exciting Christian Suspense book just follow either of these two links; or CBD.  You can also check out DiAnn Mills' website to see about her other books.

This review is totally my own idea and I am not being paid by the author or publisher or anyone else. 

Until next time...


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