Monday, August 17, 2009

goats and rabbits

We have new living creatures on our property. On purpose. Goats and rabbits.

Building the goat shed.

The goats; Joy (the nanny) and Jill (the kid).


Panther (she's actually darker than she looks here)


These are our three does. We just need to get a buck. We had one, but he got scared in the night and broke his own neck. I did not know that rabbits could do that. He died this morning. His name was Peter. *pause* Observing a moment of silence.

So, we're starting a little farm around here. Yes, next is chickens.

Until next time...


He & Me + 3 said...

Beautiful animals. My model is allergic to rabbits but they are so cute and cuddly.

Amy said...

We want to get chickens and goats next year. We are trying to put our yard in this year and then next year get some outdoor critters. I will be watching your experience and looking for advice. Hope it goes well!

Wilderness Mama said...

How fun! I'm not sure whether to be sad for Peter or to laugh at your moment of silence! LOL! I'm sorry if you didn't mean it to be funny, it just sounded "off". It's sad though. Hopefully he didn't suffer. :(

I want to be out in the country with as many acres as we can afford, but I have decided that, for now, we will do as much "homesteading" as we can here on our edge-of-the-city lot. It is about 1/3 of an acre, so starting in the next few weeks I am going to focus more on gardening and gradually add some animals since we can have up to 12 small animals total. :) We used to have some ducks and guineas, and they were so fun and kept the fleas and ticks away, but the dogs eventually got them. Moment of silence? :(

Wilderness Mama said...

Hey, I just gave you an award! :) Check it out here:

Kat said...


You are so funny! We can try to observe a moment of silence for your little Peter but it may have to be around midnight when all the kids go to bed.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jen,

What fun! It looks like you are living a good and hardy country live.

Peter…he sounds like the Peter Cotton Tail character. Sorry for your loss of Peter the rabbit.
